Sunday, November 2, 2008

Where are physiotherapist heading in india???????

The latest counts 70 % of the allied health science students and graduates opt to change the field .They realise and regret as if why did they join this field well we see most of the physiotherapist those who joins these fields are either
1.unknown of this field at there PUC or 12th
2.some just wants to enter in this field as of curiousity
3.some of there parents are well settled so
4.some wants to join nt with the intrest of money bt just to serve ( very few )

now the figure here is i am talkin in about india and other neighbouring countries

The bad state of this course is just " oh my god "
Now what do they study and for how long ? why you crying ?

well well we take nearly 4 years to complete the course some takes even more as it is not easy ask any student goin thru it ...than a half to 1 year of compulsory internship ok now problem we can do it thats whn things starts to mess up .We study a hell lot , have to be perfect with musculoskeletal,cardio,neuro ,paeds,etc .. thats only if u are very serious with this course and really want to serve ..

well what m i talkin ????
m concerned for the following things
1.A government regulated body for our association..when will we be able to move on ...
2.since no govt body so no one cares for us ... we just go with the flow .. they say do this ,we do it, no one helpin as such if we are exploiting anywhere ...who cares " people make money " let losers struggles....
so bascially whatever assciation we have is of no definite use anyways

3.salary 2.500-7.000 after BPT 8000-14,000 after MPT.\
a lot of people makes the same money as for example receptionist,helper boys , drivers ,ward boys, so whats the use of all this crap to study and shit .....and the salary may increase only with experince ..
4.we have no jobs ... job oppurinity is real bad in the country

i have lots to say but may be we can continue it on the next blogs

no respect in the field ..nurses take us for granted .. doctors dnt even realise that we exists ...exceptionals are always there but most of them undergo this bad phases